Build trouble: missing gnome-printer-profile.h
Dave Peticolas
Fri, 22 Sep 2000 22:45:06 -0700
Eric Hanchrow writes:
> I slavishly keep up with Helix Gnome, which may be my undoing -- I
> have Version: 0.23-helix1 of Package: libgnomeprint-dev, and it lacks
> gnome-printer-profile.h. But alas, src/gnome/print-session.h wants
> it. Does this mean Gnucash ought to quit using that file, or should I
> revert to a previous version of libgnomeprint-dev?
gnome-print has temporarily made certain structures private. I'm
not certain how long this situation will last, but for now you should
stick with gnome-print 0.20.