
Dave Peticolas dave@krondo.com
Sun, 24 Sep 2000 23:52:46 -0700

"Tom K. Weckstrom" writes:
> Hi,
> Have there been any plans to implement the so called dimensional
> accounting?
> I am not 100% sure whether I have the right term or not, so I'll
> explain:
> Let's say I have bought a pair of jogging shoes.
> I'd like to book a transaction to my "sport expenses" account and to my
> "clothing expenses"     account, and naturally reduce the balance of my
> bank account.
> This may not be the best possible example, but I want to have different
> dimensions for my expenses. It is often so that one categorization of
> expenses is not enough. And sometimes it is not only about different
> expense accounts. Sometimes one wants to have an "asset" account and
> book a purchase of e.g. computer equipment to the asset account and to
> an expense account as well. How to do that?

We are working on a way to be able to 'categorize' transactions.
I'm not sure if that's what you're talking about, though. I've
never heard of the term 'dimensional accounting'.

As far as DBs go, there is some work in CVS on supporting an SQL
backend. I don't think it's complete, though. The next big change
for the GnuCash backend will be to an XML data format. That should
at least make things easier to transition than the binary file
