Phillip Shelton
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 15:55:33 +1000
I suppose that means that I should think quite carefully about
which accounts are children of what.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Graham Merkel [mailto:rgmerk@mira.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 3:53 PM
> To: shelton@usq.edu.au
> Cc: 'Jens Müller'; 'Gnucash Devel'
> Subject: RE: Dimensions?
> Phillip Shelton writes:
> > No it is not a split. The shoes cost $50 so I want to have
> the clothes
> > account debited with $50 and the shoes account debited
> with $50 and the bank
> > account credited with $50.
> For the purposes of getting double-entry accounting together, that's
> not how things work.
> However, for the purposes of extracting useful information out of
> your accounting system, reports should (and will) be able to do things
> like "count all the transactions that were clothing-related". That
> will happen.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Robert Merkel rgmerk@mira.net
> ------------------------------------------------------------