addressbook export module?

Bill Gribble
Mon, 16 Apr 2001 15:32:27 -0500

On Mon, Apr 16, 2001 at 01:20:57PM -0700, wrote:
> As far as feedback to the development team, put me down as one person
> who doesn't have any plans to stop using kde as the primary
> environment.

Gnucash doesn't care what your "primary environment" is, as long as
you have installed the standard Gnome libraries.  That may mean that
you are losing a few MB on your disk to libraries that nothing but
Gnucash uses (if you don't use other Gnome apps) but shouldn't require
any special fetching/installing on your part other than a basic Gnome

At this instant, we depend on a few extra libraries that aren't yet
part of the base Gnome set, but nothing that won't be standard within
a reasonable time frame.  We are planning to have an installation help
text for each major distribution that will list the things you need to
install to run Gnucash.
