Errors Running 1.6.1

Dave Peticolas
09 Jul 2001 01:38:01 -0700

On 09 Jul 2001 14:25:19 +0700, Arnold Troeger wrote:
> I'm seeing two error messages when trying to run gnucash 1.6.1.  The
> first is "ERROR: In procedure scm-error in expression (scm-error (quote
> misc-error) #f ...):" and the second is "ERROR: ;required feature not
> supported:  printf".  I'm running Mandrake 8.0 with all updates as of
> last Tuesday, and I've just built the gnucash 1.6.1 rpm for Mandrake
> 8.0.  Gnucash 1.6.0 works fine though.  I'm guessing one or more library
> needs updating.  If someone would suggest which package to start with,
> I'll build the appropriate RPMs and make them available.  

What version of slib do you have installed?

I think I know what's causing this problem -- old or missing
versions of slib which don't support printf. This is appearing
now that the reports are in their own modules.
