Michael Fair
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 16:13:01 -0700
> >> Of course as Dennis Miller would say, those are just my opinions,
> >> I could be wrong :-)
> >Well these are our opinions and they are right!
> When I post messages on the ol' Internet, its a solo
> act, there is no ours, as I said, those are MY opinions,
> yours may be the same or different, but there is no our.
Hehe, I did a very bad job at my intended statement
which was that the opinions I expressed in that
email were the opinions of everybody on the mailing
list (Borg style group think kind of stuff) and
that they were incontrovertible. My intent was to
lighten the mood up about people walking on egg
shells, not offending anyone, by cosntantly disclaiming
that they are not gods and that anything they say
is really just their own version so don't hold anyone
else to account for them. I realize that I failed,
and should have/will in the future simply state
such intents as they tend to come across better
when just said directly. :)
The disclaimer at the bottom further attempted to state
that the opinions were not only that of the mailing list,
but represented those of the entire planet. I further
clarified that others who have differing opinions
merely have not realized that they really share my
opinion (which is the global opinion) and that all
of this is according to my version of reality.
Thanks for the clarification! :)
-- Michael --