Bug: File version number [was Re: SOLVED: 1.7 & 1.6.1-2 cannot co-exist?]

Linas Vepstas linas@linas.org
Tue, 17 Jul 2001 15:28:21 -0500

On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 03:22:00PM -0400, James LewisMoss was heard to remark:
> >>>>> On Tue, 17 Jul 2001 13:52:43 -0500, linas@linas.org (Linas Vepstas) said:
>  Linas> Part of the problem is that there are three types of backend
>  Linas> errors: those that higher layers can deal with automatically
>  Linas> (e.g. file-not-found, so look elsewehere in file-path, or,
>  Linas> worse, postgres-commit-failed-so-rollback-
>  Linas> automatically-but-inform-user-with-popup-anyway), those that
>  Linas> require user intervention ('are you sure you want to do this'
>  Linas> errors, or 'postgres-
>  Linas> you-need-to-give-me-a-password-to-proceed' errors), and fatal
>  Linas> errors.  The logic for dealing with the first two tends to be
>  Linas> complicated.
> This is a problem I think I'll punt on for the moment.  So far
> everything seems ok.  Something to revisit later I'm sure.

OK.  I'm not sure what you mean by 'punt'. One of the life-saver
dialogs happens when a previous instance of gnucash had crashed
or was killed and had left a lock-file.  If a lock-file is found,
then user is told 'file in use by other user, you sure you want to
proceed?'.  Before this, we used to get emails "I can't start 
gnucash", and we'd have to  "oh well, cd to directory xyz and remove
*.LCK".   So we need to keep stuff like that around.  (I thnk this
logic is in FileDialog.c).
