The Close button
Conrad Canterford
Tue, 24 Jul 2001 23:33:39 +1000
Thomas Cherryhomes wrote:
> He brought up an interesting point about the nature of the Close Button
> in GNUCASH, the big huge one on the toolbar. From his standpoint, he
> believed that it would close the entire document, so he never used it
> until he tried to close the file.
> He was confused for a few seconds when he clicked close, and it just
> closed the report window.
> IMHO, the different views of GNUCASH need to be expressed similar to
> Quicken, with separate windows, with a right-justified close button. If
> for no other reason, than for familiarity.
> Any thoughts on this?
I guess if it were relatively easy to implement, it could always be a
user-selectable preference (possibly even on by default). I don't
remember using quicken (though I have), but I do like the gnucash
way-of-doing-things, and *I* generally find it quite intuitive.
On a related note though, can we *please* move the "Close" button on
register windows so it is NOT the last one on the list.... I've lost
count of the number of times I've meant to close a report in the main
window, and clicked on "exit" (since it is in almost exactly the same
spot). Fortunately, most of the time I've been doing stuff and got the
"Save, Quit, Cancel" message, and been able to cancel. Putting it first
on the register window would seem to be more consistant with the layout
of buttons on the main window. (I suggest changing the register window,
because the seperation of the "close" and "exit" buttons in the main
window is, to my mind, quite good. Of course, there are arguments for
swapping their positions on the main window ("exit" is more closely
related to "save" then "close" is) which would also cure the
Conrad Canterford (
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