Can I reformat your code?
Josh Sled
Wed, 25 Jul 2001 01:01:08 -0700
On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 03:28:43PM +1000, Robert Graham Merkel wrote:
| While I generally don't worry too much about indenting styles,
| really long lines are a pain to read if you've got a couple
| of emacs windows open side-by-side and thus can't open the
| window wider than about 80 chars.
Well, this starts to make lines very ugly, especially given that identifiers
[both sched-xaction and GTK] are tending toward being rather long...
xaccSchedXactionSetMumbleFoo( med_ident_arg0,
function( arg_0_0,
arg_0_1 ) );
...isn't what I'd prefer to see.
But, I've seen multiple arguments [the "split-window" argument and the
"printing" argument] that say that all efforts should be made to keep
lines w/in 80 cols...
| The tab indent is not
| particularly a concern, but it is hard to keep to the 80-char
| limit if you've got nested braces and a standard 8-character
| indent.
The nested blocks add to the depth, but the best general rule I've seen
is: If you're running into nesting problems with 8-char indents, you
probably have too much nesting going on. [as well, instances of nested
blocks generally indicate that some refactoring of the code in those
blocks out should occur, but I digress].
OTOH, I've seen mostly 2-char indents in src/*... if this is the GnuCash
standard, then `ident`-away [but see below :)].
| I'd like to run your C files through indent to
| convert to use the above conventions, to fix the above issues
| and to keep them in line with the rest of the code.
What you'd like to do is fine with me.
I'd like this to occur when I'm not planning on touching the code, and after
my present changes are committed [hopefully tomorrow night] to minimize
merge conflicts. Maybe we can coordinate on IRC for sometime this weekend?
Is there a GNUCash coding standards doc [other than 'HACKING'] that
addresses this? I think reffing the GNU Coding Standard is fine, so
long as these two issues [indent width [2/4/8] and a line-length limit]
are addressed.
It was my mistake to prefix these new engine functions with 'xacc', but I
was following the "similar-to-existing files" principle and somehow missed
the "gnc_"-prefix-on-new-stuff principle. Perhaps this [low-priority
but tedious and extensive] change can be done at some point in the future...