xml for query?
Linas Vepstas
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 14:30:02 -0500
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Hi Jim,
Back in the good-ol xml v.1 days, I'd added routines to read and write
the Query struct. This allowed two things:
-- save and restore of the query state for Bill's transaction finder.
Presumably, this would allow users to create custom reports
(e.g. find me all transactions with 'late fee' in the description,
or find me all transactions for account 'customer xyz')
-- I was using it to demo the client-server version of gnucash.
Now, with the sql backend actually working, the client-server demo
can be more than a cheap stunt; it could potentially be
made to work for real.
A quick search through the xml code seems to show its been stripped out.
Any plans to put it back in? Or will I have to buckle down and do it
myself again?
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