splash screen

Gregory Novak Gregory.Novak@cern.ch
Mon, 5 Mar 2001 15:45:20 -0500 (EST)

> The splash screen currently in place is just a graphic I grabbed
> off our webpage so I would have something to test with (I don't
> have any gimp skills). I was thinking that we would eventually
> find one that isn't specific to a particular locale, but making
> specific ones for specific locales is an interesting idea.

I object to this on general application-bloat grounds.  Your users will
have 99 graphics sitting on their disk that they never see, and only one
that they actually use.  Unless you can include all the graphics you want
in less than, say, 50K, I think the cost outweighs the coolness.

I know, disks are cheap, I should go buy a 300 gig disk for $1.37 from my
local corner store, but if you have a laptop, for instance, it's not
always easy to get a bigger disk.
