searching manual pages

Ben Stanley
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 17:33:48 +1000

I did a search for 'opening balance' in the manual pages, and it found 3
However, I couldn't find opening balance on at least one of the
(large) pages that it returned.
Perhaps we could arrange for the word to be highlighted in the page? And
to have one search return per occurrence rather than per page, so that
you can click on the occurrence and have the page scroll to show it.

I realise that the searching system needs some more work work yet...


Ben Stanley               |    barf  [ba:rf]  2.  "He suggested using FORTRAN,
PhD Student               |       and everybody barfed." - From the Shogakukan
SITACS                    |       DICTIONARY OF NEW ENGLISH (Second Edition)
University of Wollongong  |
Australia                 |