What's libguppiuseful (Solaris/Gnucash/Guppi problems)
Charles Gagnon
Fri, 30 Mar 2001 09:14:40 -0500
[ Sorry for the cross-post ]
Has anyone compiled Guppi-0.35.3 and gnucash-1.5.3 on a
Solaris 8 system. This is really giving me a hard time:
Compile Guppi and installed. When I try to compile gnucash,
it fails to ./configure with:
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
PyMapping_GetItemString /usr/local/lib/libguppiuseful.so
in config.log. Seeing there might be a problem with Guppi and
Python, I tried:
./configure --disable-python
the guppi compile fails. Complains about missing Rule to make
something required by "ligguppiuseful".
Any ideas? I mean any?
Charles Gagnon | My views are my views and they
http://unixrealm.com | do not represent those of anybody
charlesg@unixrealm.com | but me.
Yeah, yeah whatever !
-- Unknown captain