Export to QIF?

Richard -Gilligan- Uschold uschold@cs.ucf.edu
Sat, 19 May 2001 00:22:44 +0000

The tax report can output a TXF file, which looks very similar to QIF file.
If you are good at scheme, perhaps you could modify it to output qif
instead.  In fact, I think I'll make that my next project, when I finish a
few details on the TXF export and have some more free time.

If you are interested, the code is in:  scm/report/taxtxf.scm,
txf-export.scm  If you do get something partly working, let me know, so I
don't duplicate the effort.  I won't be able to get to it for a month or


Klaus Ridder wrote:

> is there any way to export gnucash to qif?
> I need this for my business report, and didn't realize earlier this isn't
> possible ...
> If no I will take the following week to manually write thousands of
> transactions by hand ... that can't be the solution.
> Probably it would be possible to create a report with all transactions and
> parse the HTML to qif?
> Any ideas?
> Klaus
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Gilligan            |                    __o           .oooO
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             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   uschold@cs.ucf.edu