Since Last Run windows still popup

Josh Sled
Wed, 31 Oct 2001 23:16:12 -0800

On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 08:54:19PM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:

| If there is nothing to do, please don't even pop up the dialog box....

Agreed.  This was vexing me for a while, since I didn't [in the code]
gtk_widget_show_all() the dialog unless and iff it had something to do.
But this message prompted me to figure out WTF was going on.

The problem crops up when I issue gnc_split_register_configure(...);
it calls gnc_table_realize_gui(...), which causes the dialog to be
shown... which is unfortunate.  This occurs before I ask the dialog/widget
to be shown [conditional on having something to do].

[ As dave_p points out, there's no reason to even create the dialogs if
  they're not necessarily going to be used.  This will be fixed at some
  point soon. ]

| There is nothing more annoying that having X "hang", waiting for user
| input to place a window that is just going to be immediately
| destroyed. ;)

Some disparaging comment about your window manager could come into play,
but I think that's just the bottle of wine talking. ;)
