Corrupt History in Register Window

Michael T. Garrison Stuber
Thu, 01 Nov 2001 23:16:33 -0500

Okay,  I've got a wierd one for you:
	Occasionally, no, make that often, when I am entering tranasctions in the 
register in GNUCash 1.6.4, the history feature runs a muck.  Typically it 
starts by forgetting to include the other account.  Then I go to add 
another transaction and it auto completes the description correctly, but 
then fills in the account information from the previous transaction I just 
entered (the one where it forgot the other account), rather than the 
memorized trasaction.
	Closing the register window and reopening it makes the problem go away. 
It has the feel of a misdirected pointer in a linked list, but I haven't 
gone digging into the register code.  Any notions?
	Other notes:  I am running 1.6.4, compiled from source inside of KDE on 
Mandrake 6.1.  I usually use the AutoLedger mode, and it seems to happen 
most often when I am entering transactions out of date order.

Michael T. Garrison Stuber