sql backend failure when deleting an account

Matthew Vanecek mevanecek@yahoo.com
Tue, 13 Nov 2001 12:03:46 -0800 (PST)

--- Dave Peticolas <dave@krondo.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2001-11-12 at 21:11, Matthew Vanecek wrote:
> > due to me being a soon-ex-Sprint-ION customer. :/ 
> It
> > looks like objtype is missing from all the
> > upon cursory inspection.  Well, it's bedtime for
> me
> > now--perhaps someone can verify my findings?
> I believe the errors you have found correspond to
> some
> that I found and fixed in the unstable version.
> Basically,
> I think you have discovered that the sql backend in
> the
> stable version really isn't ready for prime-time.
> You
> are only about the second or third user to try to
> use
> it seriously. The sql backend has changed enough
> that
> back-porting the fixes would take some time that I
> don't
> have. But I can try to help you out if you want to
> take
> a stab at it.
> You are right about the error handling -- it's
> pretty
> brittle atm. Making it robust while preserving the
> engine's data integrity isn't so easy, though.
> dave

Just from looking at the inserts, it looks like it's
only missing one field in the select
subquery--objtype.  I hadn't traced buf back to see
how it's all put together, but it shouldn't be too
difficult to add it in at the right spot.  I suspect
this is also the problem with deleting transactions.

If I were to make fixes to it, I would prefer they
work in the stable version.  Perhaps I could take a
look at what you're doing in the unstable version, and
see if there's an acceptable way to back-port?  I
personally would rather use the SQL backend, but it's
going to take more people testing it to ferret out the
hidden little bugs and stuff...


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