Migration to gnucash as guile script has begun.
Derek Atkins
16 Nov 2001 18:08:20 -0500
Bill Gribble <grib@linuxdevel.com> writes:
> It's not really a shell script, it's a guile program. It just uses a
Perhaps a "guile script" is the right term?
> I think you can just change the 'guile' to 'gdb guile' and away you go.
> It might make sense to have an alternate script that does this;
> gnucash-gdb or something.
This might be nice, for convenience. Or perhaps an env. variable
GNC_RUN_GDB which, when set, would run gdb guile instead of just
Also, hopefully it specifies the full path to guile as determineda
> rlb: do you think the name 'gnucash.sh' is appropriate? Shouldn't it be
> gnucash.scm?
I'm not convinced of this -- it isn't really a .scm file; it really is
a shell script that runs guile with scheme code. A .scm file would,
IMHO, signify a file that you could (load) into guile, which this
doesn't sound like it would be.
> b.g.
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
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