Re-working GNCId: removing GNCIdType enum
Derek Atkins
24 Nov 2001 18:56:29 -0500
Dave Peticolas <> writes:
> The query<->scm conversion routines in engine-helpers.c uses
> that enum. But if they change to strings, the obvious solution
> would be to use the strings themselves as part of the encoding.
> dave
GRF... I think changing them to strings would inherit
too much overhead. In particular, switch statements
would turn into a long if (!strcmp()) {} else if (!strcmp()) {}...
One would think that all those strcmps would be a lot of extra
overhead compared to the switch().
Instead, I think I just want to use a guint32 and let modules
choose their own (unique) type-value (as opposed to their
own unique type-string).
Do you have a preference of strings vs. integers?
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
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