Dynamic cursors in SplitLedger?

Conrad Canterford conrad@mail.watersprite.com.au
Wed, 28 Nov 2001 09:44:41 +1100

Derek Atkins wrote:

 > So the question is, how can I easily make this dynamic cursor based
 > on the <type> entry?  Can the ledger code handle something like
 > this?  Or do I have to live with the possibility of someone
 > entering fields improperly and just let them shoot themselves in
 > the foot? -derek

Completely unrelated to the technical question, I'd be suggesting 
letting people do what they please. My reason? Well I haven't really 
thought it through, but something that Gnucash doesn't enforce but 
probably should be available from a business perspective is the need to 
use correcting transactions rather than just changing a wrong transaction.
By this I mean that if, for example, an transaction was entered as being 
for $100 when it should have been entered for $90 then you should 
actually use a second transaction for -$10 to correct that, rather than 
just changing the $100 to $90. In a A/R and A/P sense, note that this is 
NOT a payment and should not be treated as such!

Conrad Canterford  (conrad@mail.watersprite.com.au)
Water Sprite Pty Ltd   |  url - http://www.watersprite.com.au/
GPO Box 355,           |  - Australian Tour and Event Management (ATEM)
Canberra, ACT 2601     |  - Ticketing Division.
Mobile: +61 402 697054 |  - Catering Services Division.