Dynamic cursors in SplitLedger?

Conrad Canterford conrad@mail.watersprite.com.au
Wed, 28 Nov 2001 13:06:17 +1100

Derek Atkins wrote:

 > Conrad Canterford <conrad@mail.watersprite.com.au> writes:
 >> Completely unrelated to the technical question, I'd be suggesting 
 >>  people do what they please. My reason? Well I haven't really  thought
 >>  it through, but something that Gnucash doesn't enforce but  probably
 >>  should be available from a business perspective is the need to  use
 >>  correcting transactions rather than just changing a wrong
 >> transaction. By this I mean that if, for example, an transaction
 >> was entered as being  for $100 when it should have been entered
 >> for $90 then you should  actually use a second transaction for
 >> -$10 to correct that, rather than  just changing the $100 to $90.
 >>  In a A/R and A/P sense, note that this is  NOT a payment and
 >> should not be treated as such!
 > Indeed... You post an 'invoice' of $-10.  You _can_ insert negative 
 >  :) -derek

Oh, so you can. There you go.
As long as this ability won't be stoped by your changes (I'm assuming 
that protecting the cells will only stop the user from entering values 
in those cells, and won't stop the program from swapping them), this is 
I must say I think I'd prefer that gnucash didn't automaticaly swap the 
value into the other cell, but if I remember correctly this is because 
there is not really two values, just two cells on the screen and the 
appropriate one is picked depending on whether the value is negative or 
not? This may be an issue (but then again, Derek may have already dealt 
with this.....).

Conrad Canterford  (conrad@mail.watersprite.com.au)
Water Sprite Pty Ltd   |  url - http://www.watersprite.com.au/
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