missing schec-xact_strings.c

Josh Sled jsled@asynchronous.org
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 20:43:50 -0800

On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 12:07:31PM -0800, Chris wrote:

| trying to build from CVS, I get
| no rule to make target ../src/gnome/glade/sched-xact_strings.c needed by 
| gnucash.pot
| Anybody knowns where to get that missing file ?
| The closest thing I found was sched-xact.glade.

There's an option in src/gnome/glade/sched-xact.glade which saves all
translatable strings to sched-xact_strings.c ... this is then included
in the POTFILES.in [which is generated manually for our tree ATM].

The quick fix [option one]: open sched-xact.glade in glade and save the
project; this will generate the file.  If you don't have glade, let me
know and I'll send you the file.

The quick fix [option two]: remove sched-xact_strings.c from your
po/POTFILES.in ... it shouldn't hurt anything, but since you'll be making
a local change to your tree, you may run into CVS merge conflicts later.

The real fix: we gotta figure out the right thing, here...

It seems like we want to turn this option on in all the .glade files,
so all the dialog text becomes translateable strings that fit into the
rest of the system... but then there's this build issue.  I guess we
could check these files in periodically, but that doesn't exactly seem
like The Right Thing.  It does seem okay, though, as there's defined
string freezes, which would be a good time to manually generate these files.

