Updated Links

Alan Orndorff dwarf@solarisresources.com
Fri, 07 Sep 2001 10:51:37 -0700

Solaris Resources web site has been updated
to inlcude a bunch of new links.  I'm now
also the mirror for the multiboot guide 
written by Mariusz Zynel.  

This is an excellent guide for booting multiple
Operating Systems on your computer.

And lastly, help is needed in porting the latest
version of Gnucash to Solaris Sparc and Solaris
x86. If you need help in compiling this program
on either platform, please drop me a note and I'll
get you the assistance that you need.

If anyone would volunteer with Gnucash, please let
me know and I'll summarize who is helping.


Solaris Resources - http://www.solarisresources.com

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