Connect currency exchange transactions and pricedb, or not?

Nicholas Lee
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 12:23:59 +1300

On Sat, Nov 30, 2002 at 12:09:01PM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
> 2) The plan to use the pricedb is to store _one exchange rate per
>    commodity-pair per day_.  In other words, it is _NOT_
>    per-transaction.  Similarly, the pricedb entries are only used for
>    display purposes..  The transactions will still contain the exact
>    same information they do today.  In particular, each Split will
>    still contain the "amount" (in its account currency) and the
>    "value" (in the transaction currency).

Bad idea. There is nothing that states that any two given currency
transactions of a given day should have the same rate. In fact in NZ the
rate can move 100 points in a day.

Furthermore, if any sort of currency contracts (FECs, CFCs, etc) are
used its very likely that transactions, even processed in the same
mintue will have the same rate.
