Minor feature suggestions

Rainer Dorsch rainer.dorsch@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
Sat, 18 May 2002 19:06:18 +0200

Dear developers,

recently I was showing the gnucash package to my dad and after a while, he 
was sitting very happy in for of a linux pc, asking questions and making 
notes. It seems that this was the first time, he was extremely happy with the 
linux machine.

Thanks for providing such an excellent package.  I would like to contribute 
back in this email, which features he was asking for and were not yet 
available in gnucash. I think these are in fact only minor things! There is 
one feature, I want to code myself (see below)

- I saw in the mailing list, that some developers are working on scheduled 
transactions. With this the first feature (and most comprehensive) is 
probably relatively easy to build. He wanted to enter an interest rate per 
account and wanted gnucash to predict the interest transactions 
automatically. If someone looks into that, please take into account, that the 
payment might be done on a different account.

- In the "Account Summary", it is not possible to select that the description 
field of the accounts is printed

- In  the  "Accounts" window, the total value of each account is printed. But 
the user has maybe already entered future transactions and wants to display 
the current value of the accounts (should at least be an option)

- In the "Get Quotes" functionality, I may work myself. If seems that many 
funds are not available there (e.g. dwstrust funds). The amazing thing for me 
is that the Finance::Quote modul (version 1.0.6) has support, but gnucash 
does not have, although it is claimed that gnucash is using finance::quote. I 
am scanning the mailing list archive, before I am starting to ask more 
detailed questions.

Keep up the good work and thanks again.


Rainer Dorsch
Steinbrunnenstr. 46A
70567 Stuttgart