Bug Report: SX's
Tim Wunder
Sat, 25 May 2002 09:38:55 -0400
Using CVS from May 24, 2002.
Summary: Variables not expanded properly during SinceLastRun dialog.
Description: When a scheduled transaction is set up with variables, and the
values are entered during the SinceLastRun dialog, not all values are carried
over to the resulting transaction in the account.
Steps to reproduce:
* Create an SX from an existing transaction.
I right-clicked an existing Gas and Electric transaction and chose "schedule"
and created a monthly SX. This transaction posts to Checking and is offset by
three splits, Utilities:Electric, Utilities:Gas:Commodity , and
* Edit the SX to use variables instead of values
I chose Tools-Scheduled Transactions-List and Editor and modified it as
Create 7 days in advance
Remind 10 days in advance
Changed the values for each split to the following terms:
Utilities:Electric - Elect
Utilities:Gas:Commodity - GasCom
Utilites:Gas:Delivery - GasDel
Checking - Elect+GasCom+GasDel
then saved the transaction.
* Start the SinceLastRun dialog
* Enter the values as prompted by the "To-Create Transaction Preparation"
dialog (enter value, <tab><tab>, enter value, <tab><tab>, enter value,
<tab><tab>, <Next>)
* Notice that the "Create Transaction Review" screen only displays a value for
GasDel. Elect and GasCom did not get their values carried over.
PS At least it doesn't segfault anymore :-)
Caldera eWorkstation 3.1+, kernel 2.4.18-preempt, KDE 3.0.1, Xfree86 4.1.0
8:00am up 4 days, 12:23, 6 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
It's what you learn AFTER you know it all that counts