Preferences dialog suggestions

Chris Lyttle
19 Oct 2002 03:41:13 -0700

This doc is an outline of proposed changes to the preferences dialog.

1) Remove Network tab - The default settings of allowing http and https
connections should really just be on. I dont know if the GnuCash Network
was ever used, but there is no services that I know of currently
available. This should just be turned off and removed. It can be
re-added later if there ever is services that need the option.

2) Remove QIF Import tab - The single item on this is really something
that should be moved into the General tab.

3) Advanced Preferences button - Add this to General, when checked shows
extra tab with more complicated prefs settings called 'Advanced'.

4) Move the following items to the Advanced tab -
	Save Window Geometry (General)
	Application MDI Mode (General)
	Double Line Mode (Register)
	Show Vertical Borders (Register)
	Show Horizontal borders (Register)

5) Make Register Colors a tab that only shows when advanced is selected

6) Suggest Preferences dialog be made 30% smaller

7) Suggest max number of items on any one prefs tab be 6 - Will make
those with few items not look like such a waste of space

8) Ok if someone can explain the usefulness of these items we could
possibly put them in advanced, however I vote for just getting rid of
them (all in Register);
	Auto-Raise Lists - I've no idea what this does
	Show All Transactions - Why wouldn't we want to show them all?
That's it folks! This removes a lot of what I think is clutter in the
prefs and also reduces the number of prefs a user sees (and so reduces
the complexity/confusion of it).


Current Prefs layout:

Accounts - 
Account Separator
:(Colon) /(Slash) \(Backslash) -(Dash) .(Period) {Radio-buttons}

Reversed-balance account types: Income & Expense {Dropdown-list}
				Credit Accounts

Use accounting labels {Check-button}

Business -
Number of Rows: 10 {Spin-button}

Tax Included? {Check-button}

Bill Tax Included? {Check-button}

General -
Save Window Geometry {Check-button}

Toolbar Buttons: Icons and Text {Dropdown-list}
		 Icons only
		 Text only

Application MDI mode: Notebook {Dropdown-list}
		      Single window
		      Use GNOME Default

Display "Tip of the Day" {Check-button}

Display negative amounts in red {Check-button}

Automatic Decimal Point {Check-button}

Auto Decimal Places 2 {Spin-button}

No account list setup on new file {Check-button}

Days to retain log files 30 {Spin-button}

International -
Date Format: US {Dropdown-list}

Default Currency: USD {Combo-box}

Use 24-hour time format {Check-button}

Enable EURO support {Check-button}

Network -
Allow http network access {Check-button}

Allow https connections using OpenSSL {Check-button}

Enable GnuCash Network {Check-button}

GnuCash Network server: {Text Entry}

QIF Import -
Verbose documentation {Check-button}

Reconcile -
Automatic interest transfer {Check-button}

Automatic credit card payments {Check-button}

Check off cleared transactions {Check-button}

Register -
Default Register Style: Ledger {Dropdown-list}
			Auto Ledger

Double Line Mode {Check-button}

Auto-Raise Lists {Check-button}

Show All Transactions {Check-button}

Number of Rows: 20 {Spin-button}

Show Vertical Borders {Check-button}

Show Horizontal Borders {Check-button}

'Enter' moves to blank transaction {Check-button}

Confirm before changing reconciled {Check-button}

Register font: Helvetica {Font selection dialog}

Register hint font: Helvetica {Font selection dialog}

Register Colors -
Header color: {Color selection dialog}

Primary color: {Color selection dialog}

Secondary color: {Color selection dialog}

Primary active color: {Color selection dialog}

Secondary active color: {Color selection dialog}

Split color: {Color selection dialog}

Split active color: {Color selection dialog}

Double mode colors alternate with transactions {Check-button}

Scheduled Transactions -
Run on GnuCash start {Check-button}

Auto-Create new Scheduled Transactions by default {Check-button}

Notify on new, auto-created Scheduled Transactions {Check-button}

Default number of days in advance to create 0 {Spin-button}

Default number of days in advance to remind 0 {Spin-button}

Template Register Lines: 6 {Spin-button}

User Info -
User Name: {Text Entry}

User Address
{Text box}

RedHat Certified Engineer #807302549405490.
	| |   |^|
	| |^| | |  Life out here is raw 
	| | |^| |  But we will never stop
	| |_|_| |  We will never quit 
	| / __> |  cause we are Metallica
	|/ /    |
	\       /
	 |     |