Gnucash 1.8 freeze/release date?
Conrad Canterford
13 Sep 2002 11:38:41 +1000
On Fri, 2002-09-13 at 07:06, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Chris Lyttle <> writes:
> > End of Sept - Feature Freeze
> Considering it's already sept 12, I dont think a feature
> freeze is reasonable in two weeks...
I'm inclined to agree. I'm not responsible for any stuff, but I am
concerned that if we rush this too much, we'll push out some slightly
incomplete stuff when an extra month would have meant that it could go
out complete. I'd suggest slipping everything by a month, and perhaps
the final release date by a further period (as we approach christmas, I
suspect its going to be hard for people to find time to chase and squash
(If this were windows-land, we'd have to call this release "Gnucash
Conrad Canterford (
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