howto import define-report in account-piecharts.scm
Derek Atkins
22 Sep 2002 13:36:36 -0400
Larry Evans <> writes:
> OOPS. That reminds me that I read somewhere about putting:
> in the .bash_profile. I forgot about that.
yea, that would do it.. :)
> > Sorry, most of us developers are really busy. I saw the email, but
> >haven;t had time to respond. (You might also try filing a bug report
> >
> I understand. No problem. Thanks for whatever you can give me.
It's probably some code that is:
1) assuming there is a decimal
2) counting the number of "numerics" and then applying incorrect rules
I dont know the QIF importer. Unfortunately the developer who wroteit
is insanely hosed (so hosed that he hasn't worked on Gnucash in over a
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord@MIT.EDU PGP key available