Non-Latin1 characters in XML data file and in reports

David Hampton hampton at
Wed Aug 27 17:05:34 CDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 00:21, Andrey Brindeew wrote:
> Hi!
> Few questions to lead developers:
> 1. How about i18n in gnucash?
>    Currently XML data file has no `encoding' attribute in <?xml?> clause
>    and this means UTF-8 encoding. But non-latin1 (eight-bit in
>    single-byte charset) characters are stored as '&#code;' where 'code'
>    is character's code from local user locale, not from UTF-8!
>    This is absolutely BAD WAY.

Yes, its a problem.  One of several issues with international character
support.  Gnucash has support for "wide" character sets, but I've never
tested it to see how well it works.

> 2. How about  moving to Gnome2?

We're working on it.

> Who can tell me - how much code needs to be patched for proper i18n
> (storing non-Latin1 characters in XML using right way and proper
> displaying it in reports)?

Haven't investigated yet.  The gnome2 port is a higher priority and
gnome2 has better utf-8 support than gnome1.  I expect the gnome2 port
of gnucash to be utf-8 clean so that we don't have the current set of


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