Bug in Transaction Import; Patch attached.

Christian Stimming stimming at tuhh.de
Fri Aug 29 00:01:01 CDT 2003

The latest Transaction import changes in the gnucash-1.8.5 version contains an 
error. If the 'other' split in a transaction is created, it is created with a 
wrongly set amount. The resulting behaviour is this: In the imported account, 
the amount is shown correctly and the balance is modified correctly. In the 
other account, the amount is shown correctly, but the balance is *not* 

The result is that for imported transactions, the 'other' accounts will show 
wrong balances.

This needs to be fixed. If you got your code from CVS, please update your CVS 
and compile again. If you downloaded the 1.8.5 source package, please apply 
the attached patch (only a few lines in importer-backend.c) by going to the 
extracted directory and running

patch -p0 < importer-1.8.5.patch

Sorry for this incovenience.

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