Policy/procedure to pull work from mainline to 1.8 branch?

Christian Stimming stimming at tuhh.de
Tue Feb 4 17:20:54 CST 2003

Derek Atkins wrote:

> In order to maintain stability of the 1.8 branch we should have some
> sort of policy/procedure for when to pull changes from the mainline up
> into the branch.  In particular, I would hope that people plan to do
> development on the mainline, not on the 1.8 branch..  And then we can
> pull completed work/bug-fixes/etc. onto the branch once they are
> sufficiently tested.

In principle I totally agree. On the other hand IIRC with the 1.6/1.7 
branches we didn't run any specific policy. If there was a bugfix, it 
was simply applied to both branches immediately (if applicable). IMHO we 
can simply continue this way, and as soon as really new features are 
getting implemented in HEAD, things i.e. the commits will very likely 
start to separate by themselves.

Anyway I probably won't commit much in the time to come. So if anyone 
comes up with some well-thought policy, I'd be all in for that.


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