Many accounts = slow register window

Jon Lapham lapham at
Thu Jul 17 23:13:59 CDT 2003

Has anyone noticed this before?  If you create a GnuCash account 
heirarchy with lots (663 in my case) of accounts, it becomes really slow 
to open an account register window.  Every other aspect of using GC 
appears to be snappy, it is just the account register window opening 
that is slow.  Once it is open, you can work with the transactions with 
no problems.

Initial loading the file is quick, and populating the accounts with 
transactions doesn't seem to change the opening times much.  It appears 
to simply be a function of the number of accounts.

Anyway, I have a stripped down (27kb) GnuCash file which demonstrates 
this (no transactions, just an empty account heirarchy of 663 accounts), 
if anyone wants to take a look:

Of course, if someone can give me some direction in profiling gnucash, I 
will gladly try to track down the offending CPU hog.  Oh, and it is CPU, 
I get a big 100% CPU usage spike during the delay, with no HD lights 
flashing (so no I/O).


PS: on my PIII800 it takes 3-4s to open an empty register window, on the 
PII400 at work it is about 10s.  Ugh.

  Jon Lapham  <lapham at>          Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  Work: Extracta Moléculas Naturais SA

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