Many accounts = slow register window

Paolo Benvenuto donpaolo at
Thu Jul 17 23:00:42 CDT 2003

Il Thursday 17 July 2003 21:13, Jon Lapham ha scritto:
> Has anyone noticed this before?  If you create a GnuCash account
> heirarchy with lots (663 in my case) of accounts, it becomes really slow
> to open an account register window.  Every other aspect of using GC
> appears to be snappy, it is just the account register window opening
> that is slow.  Once it is open, you can work with the transactions with
> no problems.

Imagine my situation, with 800+ accounts and 15,000+ transaction.

We need speeding up gnucash.

In my case, I had to throw away the Athlon 900 mainboard (with 256 M Ram) and 
buy a PIV 1.8 G motherboard in order to use gnucash!

Buon cammino!

don Paolo Benvenuto <donpaolo at>

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