Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu Jul 31 16:53:45 CDT 2003

A couple comments....

Jon Lapham <lapham at extracta.com.br> writes:

> Q: Can multiple people access the same datafile in GnuCash?
> A: No, only 1 person may "work on" a GnuCash datafile at any given
> time. In fact, when the second person tries to open the file, they
> will see a worning message that the file is already being accessed.

This is a bit confusing -- you can have multiple people who share a
datafile.  True, you cannot have multiple people using the data at the
same time, but they can serialize their access to the data file.  Both
people must have read/write access to the directory (to read the other's
created files, and to create new files).

One way to set this up is by creating a user group and setting the
data directory to be owned by the shared group and set to mode 2775.
The '2' makes the directory setgid which copies the permissions to all

> Q: How to treat taxes? As payable or expense?
> A: Unanswered

This is a loaded question, and you should really talk to your
accountant.  How you treat taxes really depends on what kind of taxes
they are, and how you WANT to treat them..  In some cases they are
expenses, in some cases they are liabilities.

> Q: How to record a txn on different dates (actual date and bank date)?
> A: Unanswered

You record the transaction on the date you write the check or initiate
the transaction.  When it "clears" the bank, you can click in the
"Reconciled" field to "clear" the transaction (change the
"n"on-reconciled to "c"leared).


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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