First stab at gnucash-docs
Jon Lapham
lapham at
Fri Jun 13 12:13:25 CDT 2003
Okay, I lied. I started with "chapter 1: installation" in the tutorial
(since it only contained the word "FIXME"). Before I get too far into
this, I thought I would send this out to see if people have any comments
since this is my first attempt.
I've attached the chapter1.xml file... but I'll also just paste the
appropriate text here, it is easy enough to envision what it looks like
from the XML code. I have a few specific questions.
1) Are we encouraging or discouraging URL links to external sites in the
documentation? I noticed there was a link to the site in
2) Can someone send me the information on how to install GnuCash on a
Debian-esque system? (ie: apt, .deb, etc)
3) Besides linux, what other systems do we support? I'm guessing at
least *BSD, so does anyone know how to install GnuCash using the *BSD
ports system?
<sect1 id="install1">
Installation of GnuCash can be simple, as most modern linux
distributions come with gnucash precompiled and ready to go. In fact,
most likely, GnuCash is already installed. If you do not have GnuCash
installed, the simplest method for installing it is to insert the
installation CD that came with your distribution and follow the
However, if GnuCash does not come with your distribution, or if you want
to install a different version, you will have to choose one of the
installation methods described below. The RPM and APT installation
methods are the simplest as they do not require you to compile any
source code. The "source code" method is the most complex installation
method, but also the most general as it will work on the largest variety
of operating systems.
There are a number of web sites you may find helpful.
The official GnuCash download site, where you can find the latest
stable source code and some precompiled RPM binary installation files.
Mirror</citetitle></ulink> This is the sourceforge mirror of the project.
Tutorial</citetitle></ulink> This web site has an excellent discussion
of the various methods of installing software on linux:
<sect2 id="installrpm">
<title>RPM Installation</title>
Many linux distributions (such as RedHat, Conectiva, Suse) use the RPM
package management system. To determine if GnuCash is already
installed, type "rpm -qa | grep -i gnucash" from the command line.
lapham at bilbo > rpm -qa | grep -i gnucash
To install GnuCash on one of these systems, you should first locate an
appropriate gnucash-X.Y.Z.rpm installation file. This can usually be
found on one of the installation CDs that came with your distribution,
or can be downloaded from the gnucash web site. Once you have the
appropriate .rpm file, issue the "rpm -ivh gnucash-X.Y.Z.rpm" command to
install it (as root).
<sect2 id="installapt">
<title>APT Installation</title>
Many linux distributions (such as Debian) use the APT package management
system. To determine if GnuCash is already installed, type "?????"
from the command line.
<sect2 id="installsrc">
<title>Source Code Compile and Installation</title>
The final method of installation is to download, compile, and install
the source code directly from the gnucash project. This method requires
the most effort, will take the longest to complete, and will probably
require that you install other packages besides GnuCash in order to
sucessfully compile GnuCash.
Download the "gnucash-X.Y.Z.tar.gz" file of the latest stable version of
GnuCash, where the X, Y, and Z are the major, minor and bugfix versions
respectively. Uncompress and untar this file. Enter the newly create
directory and execute "./ --prefix=/opt/gnucash-X.Y" (of
course, you can install it to any other prefix).
During the configuration process of GnuCash, it may complain that you do
not have certain software prerequisites installed. You will need to
take carful note of these messages, and install the appropriate
software. You must complete the "" process without any error
messages. There may be some warning messages, but these are usually
safe to ignore.
After sucessfult completion of the "" step, execute "make"
followed by "make install" (the make install should be run as root).
That is all. To run gnucash, type /opt/gnucash-X.Y/bin/gnucash
Jon Lapham <lapham at> Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Work: Extracta Moléculas Naturais SA
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