"techdocs" idea

Linas Vepstas linas at linas.org
Tue Jun 17 00:29:40 CDT 2003

> > But the majority of documentation in
> > txt files in the source tree is NOT user servicable (except, perhaps,

The src/docs directory is for developer docs only, and needs to stay
close to the source.  

> I have to agree with Derek, developer docs should be separated from user
> docs. I have no objection to keeping some of the user contributed
> website pages in the gnucash-docs module. I expect this would make it
> easier for Linas to convert them to html for the website. However, I
> think it should be Linas that says what format he wants website pages in
> so its easiest for him to add them to the website as he updates bits and
> pieces.

I prefer to get user-contributed web pages as an html fragment.

To publish a page, I wrap the fragment with the stock gnucash PHP
includes so that all pages get the same headers and footers and menus.

If someone wants a copy of the raw PHP, e.g. for translation
purposes, they just need to ask & I can provide that.

Otherwise, if people just want the 'finished' html, website can be 
easily copied with w3mir or other web-mirroring tool.

Several people have write perms to the website, and I can add a
few more. I haven't been a reposnsive webmaster of late; I don't
mind if someone else responsible can help out.  I just don't want
to wake up one day and find the site broekn and need to have to 
fix it. 


pub  1024D/01045933 2001-02-01 Linas Vepstas (Labas!) <linas at linas.org>
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