Translation problems

Eneko Lacunza listas at
Wed Oct 22 00:11:24 CDT 2003


El mar, 21 de 10 de 2003 a las 22:49, A. Alper ATICI escribió:
> I have to barge in, since I too suffer from this issue.
> Some strings are used in many different contexts, this makes translation 
> to non-Germanic languages very difficult. 
> I think Reinke has a good point, fallback to "C" locale should be 
> eliminated, but:
> > The programmer should write _("New Account"), _("New Loan") or _("New
> > Invoice") in the source code. 
> I think this puts some unfair burden on the developer. 
> Context difference is the problem of translators, and they should guide
> the developer via reference comments in PO file.
> How about mangling msgid's? i.e. "New", "New at 001#", "New at 002#"... 
> This way, there will always be a "New" as before, and en_US.po will 
> contain:

	I think that it would be better to have more meaningfull msgids.
"New at Profile#", "New at Account#", etc. seem more reasonable to me. :)


Eneko Lacunza
JID:enlar at

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