Commitment to gnome2 port

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 4 15:03:31 CDT 2003

Tony Watts <tjawatts at> writes:

> The only reason I got that impression was I thought their was a build
> flag to build it without the interface.   (--disable-gui  build
> without the GNOME GUI components of Gnucash).

No, the code is separate, but the engine code ported right away..
ALL the work has been porting the UI code.

> So a lot of the code for the storage and calculations etc are mixed up
> with gui code? Or is that code simple enough and all the problems are
> with displaying the information?

See above.

> I didnt know it would be hard to support gtk1 and gtk2 but I am newish
> to gnome development.

It is.  they are very different interfaces, and it would require a lot
of duplication to support both...  To what end?  Double the work for a
technology that people aren't even shipping anymore in newer releases?


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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