Quiet import

David Bottomley david at appliedCRM.com
Fri Dec 10 13:27:29 EST 2004


>> I'd like to import QIF files quietly and without user intervention

> It does not exist, you would have to develop it, but it would be
> really challenging -- what do you do about transaction account
> matching to map the qif names to gnucash accounts?

How about dumping them to an exception file.
Would this still be difficult?

>> If I had to develop, it looks like I have to learn Guile, right?

> Well...
> I've been working on a qif importer re-write in C.  But I haven't
> finished it.  However I do not have any plans to support this feature
> myself, either, because IMHO it's just too potentially problematic.
> There are just too many potential ambiguities.

I hate ambiguities.
If you are looking to unload the task, I'm happy to look at your code with a
view to implementing as per above (exception dump).
How big is the task?

Regards, David

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