Concepts guide - Depreciation

Jon Lapham lapham at
Thu Oct 7 11:28:37 EDT 2004

David Harrison wrote:
>>Can you try to work the above paragraph into the docs somewhere?  If you
>>want, just copy and paste from the web-based docs and email me the
>>changes, I can put your contributions into the Concepts Guide.  Just
>>tell me what the URL is you are working on if you send me new text.
>>Start here:
> I will work on it.  I already grabbed the pages in question and saved
> them locally.  When I'm done I'll email them to you.  I have done some
> web design before, so I'm comfortable working in html.  I'll try not
> to break anything. ;)


I think I was not very clear on the easiest way for you to contribute. 
Please do not edit the actual HTML code, the HTML code is auto-generated 
from the original XML.

Just copy the plain text from the web page into a text editor and work 
on that.  Below is an example of what I mean.


Original text:
A central issue with depreciation is to determine how you will estimate 
the future value of the asset. Compared to the often uncertain estimates 
one has to do where appreciation of assets is concerned, we are on 
somewhat firmer ground here. Using sources listed below should make it 
fairly straight forward to estimate the future value of your 
depreciating assets.

New text:
Blah, blah blah central issue with depreciation is to determine how you 
will estimate the future value of the asset. Compared to the often 
uncertain estimates one has to do where appreciation of assets is 
concerned, we are on somewhat firmer ground here. Using sources listed 
below should make it fairly straight forward to estimate the future 
value of your depreciating assets.

Thanks again!

  Jon Lapham  <lapham at>                Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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