What can I do?

David Harrison millionaire at shaw.ca
Thu Sep 2 23:55:04 EDT 2004

Hi all,

I am wondering  what I can do to help with the development of GnuCash?

Let me start by introducing myself.  I am almost finished obtaining my designation as a CGA (Certified General Accountant) here in Canada.  Last night (Wednesday) I wrote my last exam in order to get my Bachalor's degree in Accounting Sciences (the degree is a requirement for obtaining a CGA designation).  Assuming I passed this exam, I will be done - yeah!!!

I have been working in a public practice accounting firm for the last four years, and also do bookkeeping for several clients.  As a result I am intimately familiar with the popular accounting software that's out there - mostly QuickBooks and Simply Accounting, although I have used some others.

Before I took up accounting, I did do some programming.  Unfortunately, that was in the late 80s and early 90s, so I learned Basic, Pascal and Fortran.  So, I don't think I can help much on the programming side.  A goal of mine is to learn C++, but that will take some time.  I have done some basic web page design, and I am familiar with HTML.

Why am I interested in GnuCash?  Well, I have been using open source software for some time - Open Office, sound recording using Planet CCRMA's resources, and others.  Anyway, since I've been taking from the community for a few years, it's about time I gave something back.  Now that I'm finished school, I'm thinking that I might have some time to do that.  And, since I am an accountant and this is accounting software, I am hoping that this would be a good fit.

So if you have something that I may be able to help with, please let me know.

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