problem with add new translation

Christian Stimming stimming at
Sun Aug 28 05:18:52 EDT 2005

Hi Szczur,

did I get this right: You try to add new translations of the *account 
templates*, not of the program itself? Okay, for new account templates, 
basically everything you described is correct -- add in 
accounts/pl_PL, add that to SUBDIRS in accounts/, modify

You would need to check now whether your newly created file 
accounts/pl_PL/ was actually processed by automake/configure. 
After running ./ and "make", do you have a file 
accounts/pl_PL/Makefile (in addition to .am and .in)? If not, then the build 
system didn't pick these up correctly and there was an error message during 
build. In that case you need to send that error message here and we can tell 
you how to fix it.

If the file accounts/pl_PL/Makefile exists, then in fact after running "make 
install" the new account templates should be available in the program space. 
Did you change the variable "accountdir" in your file to the 
pl_PL subdirectory?

In any case, I would happily accept your newly translated account templates 
and add them to CVS, so that they appear in the next release. Simply send 
them as tarball to me privately.

Best regards,


Am Samstag, 27. August 2005 23:46 schrieb rat:
> 	Hi
> I try make translation to Polish, but I have problem.
> After create new account (new dir pl_PL in accounts and copy files with
> some translations) and create (in accounts/pl_PL) for this
> account, and add pl_PL to SUBDIRS in accounts/, and modyfi
> diff
> 1205c1205
> < AC_OUTPUT( intl/Makefile po/
> ---
> 1219d1218
> <           accounts/pl_PL/Makefile
> I don't get new/translated tree in program space.
> 	Can You help me?
> 			szczur
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