Norwegian Bokmaal update & questions
Derek Atkins
warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Dec 19 11:52:09 EST 2005
linux at writes:
> And then some questions:
> Have I missed something or... It is only the words after the : wich should
> be translated (in all places where it is present, like "action: xxxxx",
> "acount: xxxx" and so on?
I think this depends on the strings and how they are used. Usually in
cases like this there are notes in the source file that explain
exactly what needs to be translated. In some cases you do NOT
translate the first part. In other cases you might still need to
translate it. Look at the source and see what it says.
> and, where it is "Description (used in the register)" should then also the
> words inside the () be translated?
Same thing.. Look in the source.
> I have a hard time to translate Commodity, and Escrow, is there some
> similar words who can give he a hint (I know what those words are, but
> can't find any good, short words to use and they are used a couple of
> places in the program:-)
"Commodity" is an overarching term than means Stock, Mutual Fund,
Currency, or other tradeable good. For example, US-Dollars, Gold,
Shares of SUNW, etc. are all examples of various commodities.
com.mod.i.ty \k*-'ma:d-*t-e-\ n [ME commoditee, fr. MF commodite`, fr. L
commoditat-, com]moditas, fr. commodus 1a: CONVENIENCE, ADVANTAGE 1b:
something useful or valuable 2: an economic good : as 2a: a product of
agriculture or mining 2b: an article of commerce obs 3: QUANTITY, LOT
Escrow is a legal term that's used to define an account generally held
by a third party for money promised to someone else. For example, in
the US you might have an escrow account tied to your home mortgage --
you pay into the escrow account every month and they (the bank) use
that money to pay for your taxes and insurance. The money is still
yours, and you get it back if you close the mortgage, but the money is
held "in escrow".
1. es.crow \'es-.kro-, es-'\ n [MF escroue scroll] 1: a deed, a bond,
money, or a piece of property delivered to a third person to be delivered
by him to the grantee only upon the fulfillment of a condition 2: a fund or
deposit designed to serve as an escrow
2. es.crow \es-'kro-, 'es-.\ vt : to place in escrow
> In Norway we have a standard account setup with a code, and then the name
> of the accounts, is it possible for me to put them into the program in any
> way, so that people using the norwegian language have them as an option
> when they setup a new account hierarchi (I don't think they will be any
> usefull to other countries)?
Sure, create a (set of) gnucash-xea file(s). These files live under
the accounts/[locale] directory and they provide the set of account
hierarchy snippets you get when you create a new file. You probably
want to create a set of xea files to break the full tree into
different sub-parts for different types of accounting that might take
Thanks for your hard work on the translation!
> Thanks,
> Tor Harald
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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