Updated Norwegian Bokmaal & Questions again

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu Dec 22 12:07:54 EST 2005

Quoting linux at strigen.com:

> So, another "problem" can someone with some look into the following:
> In the: Stylesheet edit dialog. -> Easy stylesheet -> The picture dialog
> -> The Heading alignment choices left,right,center is not found in the .po
> file.
> I have found this one, but it doesn't show up after the install of the new
> .po file
> #. src/report/stylesheets/stylesheet-easy.scm
> #: ../intl-scm/guile-strings.c:2534

You mean the translation is never made?  It's possible that the code is
using (N_ ..) instead of (_ ..) and the translation is never happening.

> And the stings similar to the one below.. Are these installed with the
> make install? I have done that, and can't find them on the help menu
> thing...
> #. src/scm/help-topics-index.scm
> #: ../intl-scm/guile-strings.c:3154
> I thought they were supposed to go into the index of the help file. I
> still have english index. (I know the rest of the help documents needs to
> be translated separately.

The help system changed in g2.  I'm not even sure that this file
(help-topics-index.scm) is even used anymore.  I might be wrong.

> And the last one for today:
> Can someone give some further info about the following string:
> "A·5/1·Year·ARM" (I've asked the Australian people here at my work, an
> no one can explain it:-)

Hmm... Weird extra characters.  I wonder if those are some formatting
things?  Anyways, the string should be "A 5/1 Year ARM" which is a
type of mortgage (Adjustable Rate Mortgage) where the rate is fixed
for 5 years and then adjustable every 1 year thereafter.

> Merry Christmas to all of you, and thanks for the good help!!
> Best Regards
> Tor Harald

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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