Some utf-8 menu items give Gtk-WARNING **: Invalid input string

Christian Stimming stimming at
Sat Nov 19 07:18:36 EST 2005

Hi all,

as I'm checking the translated SVN-HEAD version, I recently noticed in 
LANG=de_DE that some menu items are not added correctly into the menus. 
Namely, two reports with non-ascii characters (German umlauts) in their name 
will cause a "Gtk-WARNING **: Invalid input string" and in the menu there 
will be an empty line instead of the label.

To reproduce: "LANG=de_DE gnucash" ; you will immediatly see the "invalid 
input string" on the console; then go into the "Reports" / "Berichte" menu, 
then you see one empty line instead of the "Account Summary" / 
"Kontenübersicht" menu item; the other empty item is in the submenu "_Income 
& Expense" /  "_Erträge & Aufwendungen" and it was supposed to be the 
"Income Piechart" / "Erträge Tortendiagramm".

Now the funny thing is that some other report menu items that contain 
non-ascii characters are displayed just fine. For example, the submenu 
"_Income & Expense" /  "_Erträge & Aufwendungen" is correct, as are some 
entries there such as "Income vs. Day of Week" / "Erträge pro Wochentag".

The /tmp/gnucash.trace also told me that the correct label looks as follows

  Debug: gnc_menu_additions_menu_setup_one(): 
Adding /menubar/Reports/StandardReports/_Income & Expense/Ertr_äge pro 
Wochentag [ErtrgeproWochentagAction] as [menuitem]

(where the umlaut is in hex 5f c3 a4), whereas the wrong label looks as 

  Debug: gnc_menu_additions_menu_setup_one(): 
Adding /menubar/Reports/StandardReports/_Income & Expense/Ertr303_244ge 
Tortendiagramm [ErtrgeTortendiagrammAction] as [menuitem]

where the umlaut is in hex c3 5f a4 --- somehow the 0x5f (the underscore) 
shows up at the wrong place. However, if I add an actual underscore to that 
string in order to specify a keyboard shortcut, then the manually added 
underscore suddently shows up in the label as a literal underscore, but the 
umlaut is now okay... quite weird. 

David, I hope you already have an idea by now :-)))


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