Register rewrite [Was: Confusion about use of G2]

Didier Vidal didier-devel at
Tue Oct 4 03:12:21 EDT 2005

>         Since then, I've also made substantial progress on a
> register-rewrite using the GtkTreeModel API.  It's been easier than I
> thought. (Although I've made no progress in the past 2 months - no
> time.)

I'd be curious to see how this register implementation works.
There are still a couple of low-level bugs in the register-gnome
implementation I discovered recently:
   * You can't resize the gnucash window when a register is open
   * text selection doesn't work well if the text contains accented
   * left-arrow + shift while attempting to select text creates unusual
   * probable focus problem when using the account selection combo box 
   * impractical text justification for account names (you see the
beginning of the name, not the end that most of the time is the relevant
part, if you have nested accounts).
   * missing tooltips for long strings

I your implementation is advanced enough, it might be worth considering
if it is not a faster path to a robust implementation of the register.


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