Register rewrite [Was: Confusion about use of G2]

Chris Shoemaker c.shoemaker at
Tue Oct 4 18:18:19 EDT 2005

On Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 09:12:21AM +0200, Didier Vidal wrote:
> [...]
> >         Since then, I've also made substantial progress on a
> > register-rewrite using the GtkTreeModel API.  It's been easier than I
> > thought. (Although I've made no progress in the past 2 months - no
> > time.)
> > 
> Chris,
> I'd be curious to see how this register implementation works.
> There are still a couple of low-level bugs in the register-gnome
> implementation I discovered recently:
>    * You can't resize the gnucash window when a register is open
>    * text selection doesn't work well if the text contains accented
> chars
>    * left-arrow + shift while attempting to select text creates unusual
> behaviours
>    * probable focus problem when using the account selection combo box 
>    * impractical text justification for account names (you see the
> beginning of the name, not the end that most of the time is the relevant
> part, if you have nested accounts).
>    * missing tooltips for long strings
> I your implementation is advanced enough, it might be worth considering
> if it is not a faster path to a robust implementation of the register.

Well, I don't know which way is faster.  I just know that a
register-rewrite is certainly required eventually.  

I figure I'll just keep working on it until it's ready.  If it's ready
before G2 then maybe it makes sense to put it into G2.  If you want to
help with register-rewrite, let me know.

I've been meaning to set up a website for my current progress, but
it's never been the most urgent thing.  If you think you might be
interested in helping, it would be more urgent.


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