Compiling on Fedora Rawhide

Neil Williams linux at
Fri Oct 14 15:55:40 EDT 2005

I don't get it. First you say it's FC4:

On Friday 14 October 2005 8:09 pm, David Hampton wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-10-14 at 14:16 -0400, Chris Shoemaker wrote:
> > On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 07:04:37PM +0100, Neil Williams wrote:
> > > AFAICT, the internal goffice code only compiles on FC3. Other
> > > distributions have later dependent libraries that break the internal
> > > snapshot.
> Compiles on FC4 too.

Then you describe compiling and linking against non-system versions rather 
than the FC4 system libraries:

> I compile and link against a full set of glib2/gtk2 libraries 
> that are completely separate from the system versions of these
> libraries.  If it can be done with glib/gtk, it can be done with
> libgoffice.

If you are compiling and linking against non-FC4 (or non-default) versions, in 
what sense do you mean it compiles on FC4 - would it compile on a "base" FC4 
with only the development libraries for the default library versions? (This 
is the FC3 system I use to test builds - completely unchanged from the 
default install except for -dev versions of the existing libraries.) {It 
can't actually be changed, it's only got 100Mb of spare disc space!!!}

I need to be able to build G2 against a pure Debian environment because that 
is what I need for my other code like QOF, pilot-qof and cashutil.

(This is why I resisted Derek's suggestion of compiling gwrap from source when 
I had all those problems with disable-error-on-warning.)

The only non-Debian unstable software on my system should be the software that 
I am developing or packaging and which will eventually become Debian 
software, linked against the rest of the default libraries. *Old* versions of 
libraries already dropped from Debian simply aren't acceptable.


Neil Williams

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