targeting Debian

Neil Williams linux at
Sun Oct 16 16:48:20 EDT 2005

On Sunday 16 October 2005 9:04 pm, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
> It's also not clear to me whether we're talking about the G2 branch or
> the 1.8 branch.

That could well be because that decision is yet to be made. I don't know if 
there is to be another bug fix release in 1.8 - there could be. AFAICT, the 
README.dependencies file is intended to relate only to G2.

> Debian is all about systems integration; my job as the Debian
> developer is to arrange that part.  My job is a *bajillion* times
> easier if y'all don't deliberately set out to target deprecated
> libraries.

I will continue to see if I can stitch libgsf-1.12.3 and libgoffice-1 0.0.4-1 
onto gnucash G2 - even if only for Debian unstable. It compiles already, it 
just doesn't function as intended. I'd much rather allow those distributions 
that can support such a build to do so than to bundle code into gnucash that 
has already been superceded.

By the time G2 is actually released, both GSF and Goffice may well have moved 
on considerably. To my mind, the only real option is to try and keep pace - 
even if that means the first G2 release not being able to use the graphing 


Neil Williams

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